Friday, January 30, 2015

my loves

levi: you are no longer "baby," as we know your gender and you have been graced with the name "levi robert hill". i get a little thrill each time i see it in writing (even if it is on one of the many medical bills) because it means you're really real and you're really mine! you grow at such an incredible rate that it really puts time into perspective. i mean, you're five weeks old, over 11 pounds and don't fit in your newborn clothes anymore...whaaattt? you love to eat! it started off well, and we've had our ups and downs-i'm still not sure if it's reflux or what that makes you cry or not feed as long as the average baby does. however, you're obviously gaining weight, so i'm not too worried. i love how you arch your back after a long feeding and i try to burp you because you are ready to lay down. and then i put you up to my shoulder and you gently throw yourself to the side/climb diagonally down my chest so that you are horizontal and cradled in my arms to sleep. i love you so much. you're getting so alert and also, should a five week old really be able to hold his head up already and stay up for an hour after feeding? some of us need our naps! you're still going through diapers like no one's business and sleep at night in 4-3-2 hour prefer being held or carried in the solly wrap and are just starting to take pacifiers and getting comfortable in the swing. i'm so, so grateful Heavenly Father blessed me with you, with your heavy breathing, squeaky noises, multiple chins and insanely strong grip.  i love you-don't grow up too fast, okay?

cory: i'm so glad you're my husband. i was so afraid that having a baby would make us grow apart but if anything, it has made me want you with me more than ever. oh the hormones! but really, you're doing such a good job of not complaining and helping out with all the changes. i think we've got a good system considering you're working from 8 am to 6 pm most days. i also think we make a good team, seeing as you're so animated and loud and fun with levi whereas i'm the one that feeds him and gets him to sleep :) i love when we all lay in bed with levi on one of our chests or watching you rock him in the recliner while you read him "the little blue truck" or "brown bear, brown bear". thank you for being such a good daddy. thank you for being sensitive to me and loving me...hormones! i'm glad you got to go to cancun-what a fancy businessman you are! i'm just so impressed with how invested you are in your job and how hard you're trying. i'm sorry the TN hearing board keeps pushing the state test back, but we know God has a plan and i know we are both grateful we don't have to move again and get to be in our cozy apartment and awesome ward for a few months longer. i'm so proud of you for all you've accomplished since i met you, and it's crazy to look around at our beautiful home and our sweet baby and big, brown dog and realize how i wouldn't want this life with anyone but you.

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