levi eating his pacifier clip in knoxville where we went for a a few days so cory could cover someone's office! |
it's the fourth of july and it's pouring down rain. it's been gloomy for the last week and the next week's forecast looks like all rain, as well. so right now, levi is crawling around (yes, he crawls!) and cory and i are watching indiana jones. happy independence day!
first time riding in the kroger shopping cart-woot woot! |
we did make it to a patriotic breakfast at church where they read the declaration of independence. we didn't get to eat because someone had a blow-out...and that someone shall remain nameless. also the breakfast was at 8 am?! and we were up late last night hosting a s'mores party! yes, you read that right. S"MORES PARTY. only the best kind of party. mostly, it was us and two other couples with way too much candy and small appetites. was this blog post supposed to be about my son? oh well, he was there.
anyway, we went to our complex's gas fire pit, which was super nice. some of the delectable goodies included rolos stuffed inside marshmallows and roasted. york peppermint patties and marshmallows. reesrs' were a big hit. and my favorite? coconut marshmallow, dark chocolate and fresh raspberries. anyway, it's such a great excuse to have a low-key get-together.
back to the main topic of this post: levi robert hill, 6 months old! his stats are as followed: weight-17 lbs 10 oz (53.94%ile), 26.75 in (57.71%ile), head circumference-17.32 in (72.54%ile).
levi's first visit to cracker barrel. he loved it, of course. |
as you can see by the pictures, we've got ourselves a little chunk! i can't believe that nearly half the babies his age, are bigger than him! i mean, my arm hurts just holding him in the grocery store. in the last two months, levi has gotten two teeth, learned to crawl, changed up his sleep schedule weekly and made us fall even more in love with him.
is there anything cuter than a baby in overalls? absolutely not. |
the first tooth was rough. a lot of tylenol was consumed and tears shed (by levi, totally not me). but the second came in with no crazy personality changes, thank goodness. rolling over has been levi's primary mode of self-transportation but the last few days he's mastered the pull and schooch and we've seen some crawling in there, too. levi is still our little songbird, most notably during the father's day program, "i'm so glad when daddy comes home," and always before bedtime. he's mastered the art of comedic timing, always emphasizing one of mom or dad's jokes with a loud "ahhhhhhhh"-literally like ten seconds long. he's not too interested in real food. heaven forbid we torture him with cheerios, which will float on his tongue until gravity pulls the soggy thing onto his high chair or the floor for sienna. nope, levi still prefers the expensive gerber baby food!

i'm loving this stage of levi's life. he is able to give me open mouthed kisses and wrap his arms around me and lay his head on my shoulder and smile and giggle at us. and i love that he knows i'm his mama and that i take care of him, even though it means i'm the one that has to calm him in the middle of night when he wakes up crying. cory and i always say how much we miss him after we put him to bed! levi doesn't have to go to the doctor for shots until he's 9 months and i'm pretty sure we will be in minnesota for erik's wedding then. but i don't know whether we will be moving or not!